If you are a physician or a licensed prescriber, and would like to offer the Clean Start Weight Loss® program to your patients, please visit the IAPAM.
Since 2011, over 80,000 patients have successfully lost weight on our medically supervised weight loss programs. The IAPAM now offers a comprehensive hormone-based weight loss package, Clean Start Weight Loss®, to assist patients with their weight loss journey.
The purpose of this weight loss program is to give patients a long-term weight loss solution that keeps the weight off. What makes this program unique is that no other program will:
- Reset their appetite, allowing them to eat less
- Reset their metabolism to a “normal” range
- Create a new normal weight
- Reduce cravings
The Clean Start Weight Loss® patient package is designed to help you help your patients realize their weight loss goals. The package is available in both English and Spanish. It is a comprehensive and complete weight loss program that includes:
- Patient Guidebook, that explains the program in detail, including over 50 program tips, as
well as over 20 pages on the all important “maintenance” phase of the program. It includes information on: portion size, the Glycemic Index, how to read a nutritional label, tips on how to combat emotional eating and cravings.
- Quick Tip Sheet giving your the most important tips and a take away shopping list complete with calorie counts.
- Cookbook with over 50 recipes for all 3 phases of the weight loss program.
- Food Journal for your patients to record their daily food intake.
- This program was designed to answer the most common questions in advance, saving you important time, and allowing you to see more patients, and generate more non-insurance based practice revenues.
For more information, visit www.IAPAM.com or visit the training registration page